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Free API of COVID-19 (Corona Updates India) State/City Updates Daily

COVID-19 (Corona Updates India) State/City Updates Daily Free API In this Pandemic Situation everyone want to make own product So This is best idea to make product and make everyone helpful is to provide information regarding Corona Virus You can either make a website or Android/iOS Application for guide all people Here is one best website for information in India Now our problem is gather data. It is really hard to get updates related to COVID-19 Or we also need a server or database management for manage all the data The solution is here Here are some List of API which will provide you a free information -> Patient Level : Raw Data Partition 1 (Till Apr 19) -> Patient Level : Raw Data Partition 2 (From Apr 20 to Apr 26) -> Patient Level : Raw Data Partition 3 (From Apr 27 to May 09) -> Pat...

Tri-States | Indeterminate Checkbox Android

Sometimes it is required to implement checkbox with 3 states Unchecked Checked Indeterminate So here is a simple example of how to implement Tri-States or you can say Indeterminate Checkbox Android First of all, make a custom class which is extend Checkbox import android.content.Context import android.util.AttributeSet import androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatCheckBox import class TriStatesCheckBox : AppCompatCheckBox { private var state = 0 constructor ( context: Context ?) : super ( context ) { init () } constructor ( context: Context ?, attrs: AttributeSet ?) : super ( context , attrs ) { init () } constructor ( context: Context ?, attrs: AttributeSet ?, defStyleAttr: Int ) : super ( context , attrs , defStyleAttr ) { init () } private fun init () { state = UNCHECKED...

How to user Shared Preferences in Flutter

As we know Shared Preference is used to store primitive data like string, int, double, boolean and list of string. Shared Preferences data are stored within the app so all the data will be cleared if the user uninstalls an application or clear the storage data from Application info. To use shared preference in Flutter you have to get the plugin named "shared_preferences: which was published by "" you can check more detail here Shared Preference in Flutter To get this, you have to write shared_preferences: version to pubspec.yaml like below mentioned.    dependencies :   flutter:     sdk: flutter   shared_preferences: ^0.4.3   You can change the version number to the latest. Now you need to import the package in the file you want to use shared preference import 'package:shared_preferences/shared_preferences.dart'; Reading and writing data to shared preference First, you need to get the object of Shared Preference lik...

Flutter: The Future

What is Flutter? First of all, I just want to let you know that Flutter is not a language it is an SDK for creating a User Interface for many operating systems like Android, iOS, Linux, Mac, Windows, Web and one of the best Future OS Fuchsia by Google DART is an official language for Flutter which is developed by Google in 2K11 Everything in a Flutter is a widget, even application itself is a widget How to install Flutter in your system? If you have already installed an Android Studio in your system then you just have to install 2 plugins in Android Studio Dart and Flutter these are two plugins useful to develop a Flutter Project Install the following plugins After that, you just have to restart an Android Studio You will get a new option while creating a new project that is New Flutter Project In the next step, you have to Install an SDK for the First at and the next time you just have to give the path of that SDK Next, you just have to describe the ...

Let's Understand Hex Transparency Color Schemes

Sometimes you need to set the transparency in your some of the views. But sometimes you cannot decide how much transparency you need to apply on the view. So here is the Table with the transparency percentage level  so you can give proper transparency to your view and make it whatever you want. Before that, I'll tell you how to add transparency color in hex code Generally, we used 6 characters code for any color which is known as Hex code. But when you want to apply a transparency to your color then you have to add 2 more characters at the beginning of the hex code which is known as Alpha color You need to add 2 characters from below table according to your transparency level For example for the RED color, Hex code is #FF0000 If you want 50% of transparency in Red color than you have to add 80 at the beginning and your code is #80FF0000 Please refer following table to manage transparency level. 100% — FF 95% — F2 ...