Sometimes it happens that somebody blocks you on WhatsApp and still if you want to send a message to him/her then you can. Generally, there are two ways to send a message to blocked contacts. Way 1: Open WhatsApp Go to setting page of WhatsApp application Go to Account Click on Delete Account Here you have to enter your number and click on delete account After deleting your account from WhatsApp you have to uninstall the WhatsApp from your mobile. Restart your mobile and install WhatsApp again. Register your number in WhatsApp again Now you are able to send a message to a blocked contact. Make sure that deleting account will automatically leave form your all the groups If you don't want to delete your account then use the second way. Way 2: In this way you don't need to delete your WhatsApp account you just need one more trustworthy WhatsApp contact or you may also use your second WhatsApp Number. Heyou have to create a group with your Trustworthy ...