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WhatsApp Business Application now Available to Install in India

WhatsApp Business Application Finally, WhatsApp Inc Launches the WhatsApp Business Application in India for Android Users. WhatsApp Business app is simple tools for target small business. Generally, This application is used for talking with customers or you can say communicating with Customers. You can show up your business on WhatsApp or you can easily communicate with your customers. Just set up your profile and explore your business with WhatsApp Business Application. WhatsApp Business Application Features WhatsApp Business App user can add some details like email address, description of the business, Address of the business. In the extra feature, WhatsApp Business App added smart messaging tools like quick reply facility, greetings, away messages and many more. WhatsApp business application shows the metrics for a message like how many messages sent, read, delivered etc. You can separate your personal number or business number with this application. For e...

Change Font type of Tab in TabLayout in Android | Android Studio

Here is the example of how to change the font of the tab in Tab layout in android You can simply change the font type of tab Tab layout and you can also set the custom font To change the font of tab layout, you have to paste the font in assets folder of your project You just have to follow the one method in an existing project or for the whole example, you can refer the following code.

Sticky Header Smooth Recycler view in Android

> Here is the example of Sticky Header view in recycler view with smooth scroll > Sticky header is a View over recycler view that will Stick on header of recycler view and shows some information > In this example i have filtered out the alphabets that will stick on header of recycler view. > Follow the following Steps to make a Recycler View with Sticky Header. > Here arrays.xml contains some dummy names so we can show up a demo. > Run this application and see the sticky header in your screen. > You can see the output in following video

JAVA V/S Kotlin | Switch to kotlin

So when we think about development in Android, and for the programming language the only thing comes in mind is JAVA right? The majority of android developer uses JAVA as a programming language for android app development But No, this is not an only option you can use any of language that can be compile and run ob JVM. So the main concept is the programming language comes in many way, one of them are Kotlin What is Kotlin? In july 2011 J etBrains unveiled Project Kotlin, new programming language for Java Virtual Machine. Kotlin is also one type of programming language that can be run on JVM ( JAVA Virtual Machine) or can be compile to JavaScript code or use the LLVM compiler infrastructure. There are many different thing in kotlin then JAVA. the major different in Syntax. The Syntax of Kotlin are far different than JAVA Basic Syntax of Kotlin fun main(args : Array<String>) { println("Hello, Android") } In the above code you can see ...

Retrofit Simple Example || Bind Data in Recycler View with full Source code | Android Studio

What is Retrofit? Retrofit is REST client for Android as well as JAVA by Square Retrofit easily retrieve and  upload JSON by using REST based web service. You can also configure a converter which is used for the data serialization. Generally for JSON we can use GSON or you can also add your own or custom converter to process other protocols or XML. In most case Retrofit uses the OKHTTP library for HTTP Request. For using Retrofit basically we need three classes Model Class Interface RetrofitBuilder class Let's start the code : First of all add following permission to your AndroidManifest.xml file. <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE"/> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CHANGE_WIFI_STATE"/> Add following dependencies to your build.gradle file. compile ...