So when we think about development in Android, and for the programming language the only thing comes in mind is JAVA right? The majority of android developer uses JAVA as a programming language for android app development But No, this is not an only option you can use any of language that can be compile and run ob JVM. So the main concept is the programming language comes in many way, one of them are Kotlin What is Kotlin? In july 2011 J etBrains unveiled Project Kotlin, new programming language for Java Virtual Machine. Kotlin is also one type of programming language that can be run on JVM ( JAVA Virtual Machine) or can be compile to JavaScript code or use the LLVM compiler infrastructure. There are many different thing in kotlin then JAVA. the major different in Syntax. The Syntax of Kotlin are far different than JAVA Basic Syntax of Kotlin fun main(args : Array<String>) { println("Hello, Android") } In the above code you can see ...